TV: The African-American graffiti artist known as "Blacksy"... was again shot at 400 times by police. He had been spotted walking down the street suspiciously doing nothing.
God, maybe all the oppressed minorities ought to band together and carve out a part of the country to ensure that the evil racist bigots on the police forces can not get them.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
God, maybe all the oppressed minorities ought to band together and carve out a part of the country to ensure that the evil racist bigots on the police forces can not get them.
kaffekup almost 11 years ago
Yeah, great idea, let’s call it “America”! You can live there too!
Mary McNeil Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I hadn’t realized this strip was set in Cleveland!
nailer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
You know, not al blacks are mistreated in America…
Some are mistreated in other countries too!
nailer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
It was a joke. Sorry if it was not understood. All, Others, you know.That´s why used blacks instead of African-Americans.
kaffekup almost 11 years ago
A graffiti artist? Then he deserves to be shot!(Sarc)