Jim Morin for May 31, 2009

  1. Missing large
    twieliczka  about 15 years ago

    Hey Cheney - Doesn’t Pakistan HAVE the bomb?

    Who knows, the taliban may have carted it off to Tora Bora, where YOU and Bush ordered our troops not to catch OBL.

    Hope you share your “thank-you” letter with us ON EVERY NETWORK, when you get it from the Taliban in Pakistan!

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    lemcbee  about 15 years ago

    Friends, Cheney can’t hear us. He doesn’t see us either. He lives in another world. One where we don’t matter. One where the future doesn’t matter. One where only he matters with his scary, paranoid, demonic thoughts are all that matters to him. He believes in torture, frightening people, taking away away other people’s liberty and freedom, and I’m not talking about those on foreign soil. His whole current effort to terrorize our psyche once again, is to justify his use of torture. He’s a really bad Nightmare that continues to haunt us. Just pure Demon, and like McVey, he’s homegrown.

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  3. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 15 years ago

    The Taliban are NOT Al Qaeda. The U.S. and ISI created the “Taliban” in the course of fighting Russia, then dumping them like a hot rock. The Pashtuns in Afghanistan and Pakistan don’t care about the lines the British drew on a map. The Kurds don’t care about the line between Turkey and Iraq. The United States and the “European west” don’t care about the people living in any area they “conquer”. The biggest difference in Afghanistan and Pakistan is that these folks have never been “conquered” by an outside force, only survived through hard times, repeatedly, and waited the enemy out. IF we had focused ONLY on the Al Qaeda camps, and if we’d paid attention after the Russians left and supported an Afghan perspective, instead of an oil company perspective, we would not be in this mess. Cheney’s arrogance and errors go FAR BEYOND just the Taliban.

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  4. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  about 15 years ago

    dtroutma, you said it all.

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    tracht47  about 15 years ago

    Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld messed up in Afghanistan big time. If they had kept pursuing the Taliban and Al-Qaeda instead of going into Iraq It would probably be a whole lot safer and stable in the Middle East. Cheney going around saying that the US is safer because of his policies is ridiculous.

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    cdward  about 15 years ago

    dtroutma, very true. I can’t say I’m sympathetic to the Taliban, but there are a lot of folks out there I’m not sympathetic to, and that doesn’t mean we invade them. Churchill shows how he cannot be taken seriously (at least in this matter) when he equates Al Qaeda with the Taliban.

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    believecommonsense  about 15 years ago

    do you ever wonder about what’s actually IN those pacemakers they keep putting in Cheney?

    Some new highly classified gadget that makes him utter pre-recorded thoughts over and over again and in the process makes him leer and sneer while speaking?

    Do you believe he was actually not able to WALK during the Obama inauguration?

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  8. Obama hopnosis
    Right_On  about 15 years ago

    I believe Clinton had the first shot at UBL in Sudan … but he was too busy in the Balkans and getting ready to deliver US bodies to Somalia to care about some little old terrorist …

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  9. Pete
    etocme  about 15 years ago

    The one thing you Libs need to remember….these radical muslims you always try to protect would chop your head off in a split second without a thought. Whether you stand up for them or not!

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    danielsangeo  about 15 years ago

    The one thing you Cons need to remember….these radical Muslims who would chop off your head ina split second without a thought earn no support from any left-winger nor should we try to protect them. I wish this lie that is perpetrated throughout the blogosphere would go away because left-wingers don’t stand up for terrorists. No matter how much the blogosphere says we do.

    Indeed, we want them prosecuted and jailed like Clinton did after the WTC bombing in 1993. I want actionable intelligence from these evil people. I want them caught and interrogated like nobody’s business….legally.

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  11. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 15 years ago

    etocme, do you actually read what anyone posts? No liberal wants to “protect” radical Muslims. In fact, on this list we are complaining because Bush didn’t go after Osama where he was living, and also gave the Taliban a chance to bounce back because we abandoned Afghanistan to go into Iraq.

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    cdward  about 15 years ago

    The thing is, liberals want capture, interrogate, prosecute and imprison terrorists. We simply do not want to adopt their tactics or become like them.

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  13. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member about 15 years ago

    You can criticize a team’s head coach without being a fan of anyone else. If every french-canadian who once said the head coach did a lousy job went to cheer for the Ottawa Senators or Maple Leafs, the team wouldn’t have hit its 100th season.

    In other words, nobody here wants to protect the taliban (we don’t want them tortured, we don’t (seriously) want that to anyone). We just think the war could be lead in a more efficient way.

    That is not treason. That is, at worst, second guessing.

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  14. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 15 years ago

    Etocme–Hmmm, didn’t Mary Queen of Scots lose HER head because she wouldn’t submit to a Protestant rule? With 38,000 Christian denominations- show me the love they show each other. Yep, really nice folks all around, like when the missionaries gave the natives smallpox infected blankets it was a sign of true “Christian charity”? Cast not the first stone.

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  15. Image013
    believecommonsense  about 15 years ago

    wow … i just heard Cheney finally say there is no evidence to connect Sadaam Hussein and 9/11 … though he did couch it by adding “so far”

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