What was NOT the norm was older members who were fully capable of work but who laid around doing nothing useful for many years. Like two seniors who could easily be watering and raking. They are leaches who have chosen to visit their own misfortune on their child without compensation.
SwimsWithSharks over 10 years ago
Democratic Underground!
(I know. Denver.)
Perkycat over 10 years ago
Liz puts it in perspective.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
Agreed Sam.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 10 years ago
What was NOT the norm was older members who were fully capable of work but who laid around doing nothing useful for many years. Like two seniors who could easily be watering and raking. They are leaches who have chosen to visit their own misfortune on their child without compensation.
The Rolling Cat over 10 years ago
Just because that was The Way It Used To Be, it doesn’t always follow that that’s The Way It Ought To Be.