Pickles by Brian Crane for April 08, 2014

  1. Old joe
    ratlum  over 10 years ago

    Ok just a little hearing problem.

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  2. Missing large
    Llewellenbruce  over 10 years ago

    Better start using those ear wax removing candles Earl.

    NOTE!! The last surviving actor in the movie “It’s aMad Mad Mad World” passed away yesterday. MickeyRooney. That was the funniest movie I’ve ever seen.

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  3. Little b
    Dani Rice  over 10 years ago

    No, no. I can hear fine. Just stop whispering. Aaargh!

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  4. Western grebe by jeff and amy
    I'll fly away  over 10 years ago

    And he has way too much ear hair. Men, please groom yourselves. Thank you.

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  5. Jerry lakehead
    jtviper7  over 10 years ago

    How about Jimmy Durante kicking the bucket.

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  6. Sg county zoo 077
    loner34  over 10 years ago

    My doc said the same thing (I think). Anyway the nurse washed out my ears. Hey I’m not hard of hearing after all!

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  7. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 10 years ago



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  8. Zoso1
    Arianne  over 10 years ago

    Re: Mad Mad World, don’t forget Jerry Lewis. It was just a cameo, but he was in it and is still with us, God bless him! I don’t know if he and Carl Reiner are the only surviving cast members, that would take a little bit of research to say for certain. That movie brings back such happy memories for me. The minute I hear the opening theme music, I’m transported back to the sixties, cuddled up in the back seat of my parents’ car at the drive-in.

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