The Knight Life by Keith Knight for April 24, 2014
OLD SF roommate!! KK: Bartlett! what happened? Coupla bad breaks! I lost my bike messenger gig and my art co0op broke up,,,soon after I wound up on the street!! Harsh man... KK: On the other hand, youve cleaned up a bit!! An unintentional consequence I assure you!
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Good slam at how SF prices are going out the roof. However that is the fair way for things to evolve. If people are willing to pay the price for a piece of land, then the owner should be able to sell it for that price. Just because this prices people out of the market is too bad, but what is the alternate? Do you want to set up homeless shelters on Park ave. in NYC? I didn’t think so. The one big victim is SF’s super liberal rep.