Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for July 04, 2005

  1. Missing large
    gocomics  about 13 years ago

    Jack from Will and Grace also envisions Cher as God

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  2. Mewtwo wallpaper
    uksing921  about 9 years ago

    Adding ‘th’ doesn’t mean your old-fashioned.

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  3. Large 6288790a 2e6e 47be b852 18251c3975c7
    DarthRevan  over 6 years ago

    E-hay ow-knay ot-nay at-whay e-hay ay-say.

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  4. Palisadepfp
    Dragongirl55  about 4 years ago

    Pig in the last panel sounds like Roulxs Kaard (I’ll be impressed if even one person gets that)

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  5. Cat spy
    C wolfe  11 days ago

    I heard or read that it was an old man some where in the galaxy with a cat he calls Lord. This man believes that everything he sees or hears is figment of his imagination including the six men in six black rocket ships that visit him to make decisions about everything.

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