Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for January 05, 2006
"Hey there, Rat...listen I have to bring the dessert for a potluck engagement party and I thought I could bring some of your gingerbread men." "Hmmmm...I think I have something with a man and wife theme...ah, yes, here it is...I even gave it a nice title..." "Oh, yeah? What is it?" "'Bob and Terry Have Their Differences'." "...You know, maybe I'll just pick up something at the store." "People with edible heads really shouldn't fight."
Gun guy over 12 years ago
Rat’s name fits him well.
TURTLEDUDE about 5 years ago
A domestic dispute in action
rat’s insurance counselor almost 5 years ago
its always the Bob
FrostbiteFalls over 2 years ago
Like Calvin’s demented snowman designs.