22 stay away from the vending machine!
tell me about it!
the machine has your favorite snack!
I know it odes Marcy!
...then why are you near it?
It came over and started chit chatting with me!
Those machines do that. Ever notice if you try for the apple (that was JUST stocked an hour ago) – the window won’t open. It will jam. Until the bag of chips comes along..Its hard staying in the perimeter of the grocery store. The middle has all those snacks and things. And when you pass the aisle – they call you by name;. By NAME! … its not safe out there..
krys723 over 10 years ago
Should I really believe that?
cabalonrye over 10 years ago
22 needs a wife to nag him to health
kab2rb over 10 years ago
Ya just like a candy bar flies into my shopping cart.
Dani Rice over 10 years ago
Have you ever noticed that candy bars migrate, but carrots don’t? Odd, that.
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
Those machines do that. Ever notice if you try for the apple (that was JUST stocked an hour ago) – the window won’t open. It will jam. Until the bag of chips comes along..Its hard staying in the perimeter of the grocery store. The middle has all those snacks and things. And when you pass the aisle – they call you by name;. By NAME! … its not safe out there..