Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for February 04, 2010
Poncho's Masters from Past Live: Billy the Kid Poncho: Whatcha hidin' back here for? Julius Caesar Poncho: Sure, Brutus, he's right in there. Socrates: Poncho: Hemlock! Nah, that's not poisonous. Poncho: And my current master thinks I'm a bad dog when I pull on the leash!
WoodEye almost 15 years ago
Beware of talking dogs!
swidzb2 almost 15 years ago
Et tu Poncho? Et tu?
So fitting cause Poncho wouldn’t accept a king either - unless it was him. :)
I love this strip!
DolphinGirl78 almost 15 years ago
Wow, explains so much about him…. :D
lightblade77 almost 15 years ago
Nice one! lol.
alondra almost 15 years ago
I’m glad I’m not his master.
carmy almost 15 years ago
You are a bad dog, Poncho. No kibble for you!
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
Billy the Kid, Julius Caesar, Socrates and Chazz?!?!
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
Your track record is not looking good, Poncho!
pierreandnicole almost 15 years ago
Imus in the morning? He always talks about ‘back stabbing weasels’.
mancocapac almost 15 years ago
Imus reference? Someone actually listens to him???
Dirty Dragon almost 15 years ago
This is worse than Albert Brooks in “Defending Your Life”.