Cos he’s gotta sing the “You-Know-All-the-Men-in-the-Neighborhood Blues.”
Judging by the suit, he sells used cars as a day job.
A real man plays the real thing even if your ears can’t stand it.
I think it’s obviously from the squiggly lines by the notes that he’s playing off-key as well as loud -but maybe that’s the sound he’s going for…
He sounds better when he bites his lower lip.
Thanks for sharing, Waykirk. love the back-stories.
Charlie Podrebarac
July 10, 2015
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 10 years ago
Cos he’s gotta sing the “You-Know-All-the-Men-in-the-Neighborhood Blues.”
SKJAM! Premium Member over 10 years ago
Judging by the suit, he sells used cars as a day job.
Kathe over 10 years ago
A real man plays the real thing even if your ears can’t stand it.
bcathey1960 over 10 years ago
I think it’s obviously from the squiggly lines by the notes that he’s playing off-key as well as loud -but maybe that’s the sound he’s going for…
charlie podrebarac creator over 10 years ago
He sounds better when he bites his lower lip.
charlie podrebarac creator over 10 years ago
Thanks for sharing, Waykirk. love the back-stories.