Carrying a balance on a credit card is the financial equivalent of shooting heroin. You pay basically forever for the privilege of getting that first purchase 30 days sooner than you otherwise would.
On the other hand, if you pay your bill in full each month, you can use the bank’s money for 30 days at no charge. The bankers don’t like this, of course (which is why the industry term for people who pay in full each month is “deadbeat”).
Interesting to note, there is a credit card company selling a service to assist people who are way overextended on their credit card debt. So, they help create the problem, and now they are graciously offering a service to help you with the problem.And guess what? Yup, you are correct… you can pay for the service using your credit card!
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Mothballs… ;)
The Nihilist over 10 years ago
I have a Chicklet covered with fluff – does that count?
The Life I Draw Upon over 10 years ago
You don’t get many jokes do you?
Olddog1 over 10 years ago
Actually, Cosmo, they are YOUR credit card bills.
llong65 over 10 years ago
my wallet? the ghost of past presidents.
jimgamer over 10 years ago
GROG Premium Member over 10 years ago
Time to cut up those cards.
dsom8 over 10 years ago
Refreshing to see blame placed where it belongs. (And I don’t mean Cosmo in the strip.)
bsisler21 over 10 years ago
Since I don’t have credit cards and stay on my budget, I have cash in my wallet.
puddleglum1066 over 10 years ago
Carrying a balance on a credit card is the financial equivalent of shooting heroin. You pay basically forever for the privilege of getting that first purchase 30 days sooner than you otherwise would.
On the other hand, if you pay your bill in full each month, you can use the bank’s money for 30 days at no charge. The bankers don’t like this, of course (which is why the industry term for people who pay in full each month is “deadbeat”).
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Interesting to note, there is a credit card company selling a service to assist people who are way overextended on their credit card debt. So, they help create the problem, and now they are graciously offering a service to help you with the problem.And guess what? Yup, you are correct… you can pay for the service using your credit card!
Tin Can Twidget over 10 years ago
In my wallet? Let’s see — there’s a $20 bill, an American Legion card, a VFW card, a DAV card, a VA card, …
K M over 10 years ago
Thanks to my governor and my president, less than nothing.
Snakefist over 10 years ago
You open my wallet and you will hear crickets chirping.
AnotherFineMess almost 3 years ago
This is awesome!