Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for July 03, 2014
Nancy: Aunt Fritzi---In the spirit of freedom, I have written my own "DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE"! "I am FREE to not make my bed, wash dishes, and not take out the garbage......If it gets in the way of my life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!" I'll bet THOMAS JEFFERSON never got a TIME-OUT.
blunebottle over 10 years ago
Yep, you’re free, Nancy….and free to accept the consequences of your (in)actions.
Don Fleming over 10 years ago
Yeah, but ole’ Tom knew when & where to pick his fights, & which battles were worth fighting. And there’s a fine line between declaring your freedom & trying the shirk your responsibilities. You crossed that line BIG TIME!
jrankin1959 over 10 years ago
You know how many kids tried THAT approach… including, probably, your Aunt?
jrankin1959 over 10 years ago
A little treat for those of you nostalgic for the days when you only saw Aunt Fritzi as a portion of her head in the corner of the panel…
Willow Mt Lyon over 10 years ago
From now on, Nancy, you have to sweep the floor and dust the livingroom, too, you hear!
Stellagal over 10 years ago
Thomas Jefferson probably never got a time out when he was your age. A trip to the wood shed on the other hand…
ColonelClaus over 10 years ago
Fine, don’t make your bed or wash your dishes or take out your garbage. just don’t come crying to me when your room is overrun with…
brklnbern over 10 years ago
Maybe Nancy should demand the freedom to pay rent, buy her own food and clothing. Naw, bet that never crossed her mind.
Jim Kerner over 10 years ago
The thing is Nancy, as long as you live in Aunt Fritzi’s house, then you have to obey her rules. Otherwise, I hope that you will have to get a job!
billdungjen Premium Member over 10 years ago
no, but a lot of people hated him afterwards
tad1 over 5 years ago
And they say Gilchrist’s Nancy wasn’t a brat. She looks quite bratty here.