The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for January 19, 2017
Huey: "Newsweek has confirmed through an exhaustive national poll that black Americans are no longer America's most-hated ethnic group." "The results do not come as a surprise to many experts, who have observed a dramatic change in Americans' profiling and discrimination patterns since September 11." "The last ethnic groups to remove black Americans from the top spot were the Japanese and the Japanese-Americans, who had a brief but memorable run at the top in the early 1940s." Caeser: I'm so proud...
Prey almost 8 years ago
Who is at number one? The French? I would say the French!
pam Miner almost 8 years ago
They look strange today, like it’s one of those old classic comic art of using patches of patters to generate tones of color in gray and white. Has this been like before?