The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for August 21, 2019
Huey: The anti-drug people seem to be trying way too hard to scare people about marijuana. I say just tell 'em the truth! Tell 'em that marijuana isn't nearly as dangerous as tobacco or algohol, but it will make you say stupid things and laugh at stuff that ain't funny. That's a very good reason not to use it! Caeser: Huey, you forget that most people don't find smiling and joviality as offensive as you do... Huey: Right... I forget that.
frequency270 over 5 years ago
Just tell them you’ll make yourself and the surrounding acre smell like a rutting skunk.
Ellis97 over 5 years ago
Isn’t marijuana legal now?
mattro65 over 5 years ago
I used to drink a lot of beer and smoke a lot of weed. I’m in my mid-60s now and I hardly drink any beer, maybe 4-6 beers a month. The only reason I smoke less is because I’m a full-time caregiver to three young boys. Marijuana is the eighth wonder of the world.
TexTech over 5 years ago
My wife has severe back pain and her visits to Washington state have provided her some brief respite. Just moved to Florida and it appears medical marijuana is here. Nice plus for my wife, if correct.
bakana over 5 years ago
But, those people on Weed are really Funny to watch when You aren’t on it.
Watching Drunks can also be Hilarious.