On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for June 22, 2018

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    rshive  over 6 years ago

    The places I’ve worked had special parking areas for motorcycles and bicycles. There were more bicycles.

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    Diane Lee Premium Member over 6 years ago

    When my son wanted a motorcycle, I explained to him that I would slash his tires every night as long as he had it, and if that didn’t work, I knew people with pickups to load it and garages to hide it in. I worked in an emergency room long enough to know that a motorcycle is a really bad idea, and most of the time it was a car driver’s fault, which in no way mitigates the damage to the guy on the motorcycle.

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    pocoskip  over 6 years ago

    I’ve ridden for 45 years. Took a year off work and traveled all across the country, staying in a motel/house only a couple times – mostly slept outside or in a tent. Crashed a couple times over the 45 years. Never really got hurt. I’ve never understood why someone feels they have the right to simply stamp their foot and demand someone else to conform to their idea of correctness. Slash tires? Have others steal someone’s property? That might just say more about you than you realize. Hope your son reaches for freedom…

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  4. Michaelparksjimbronson
    well-i-never  over 6 years ago

    There are riskier behaviors. A drug, drink free adult with a sense of responsibility, can ride a motorcycle without it being the most worrisome thing on a parents mind.

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