An offer you can’t refuse is mafia talk for my way (join us) or execution, but Francis is using it to offer his way (giving up crime) or excommunication, separation from the church. Mafia leaders can no longer have the public appearance of church approval.
hawgowar over 10 years ago
Sorry, I don’t keep up on Vatican news. Who’s he talking to?
davidf42 over 10 years ago
I don’t get it either. Is the Pope doing business with the Mafia?
danunn over 10 years ago
No, he has spoken out against the mafia quite vigorously
fgoldsmith Premium Member over 10 years ago
In June, he warned them thst they are excommunicated
sally222 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Mystified here too… Maybe Big Business?
ksingernc Premium Member over 10 years ago
An offer you can’t refuse is mafia talk for my way (join us) or execution, but Francis is using it to offer his way (giving up crime) or excommunication, separation from the church. Mafia leaders can no longer have the public appearance of church approval.
morningglory73 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Didn’t you see the movie The Godfather? That’s Al Pacino who played one.
reynard61 over 10 years ago
“Offer”?! He should be giving them an ultimatum they can’t refuse! (But, yeah; it’s a start…)
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 10 years ago
Elliot Ness can’t penetrate the cocaine trade
bmonk about 9 years ago
He’s making the offer in the name of Christ. Same as to all sinners, whether they repent and change their lives or not—their choice.
rossevrymn 28 days ago
Even the mafia has a history of women being in charge as compared to the RC Church.