Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for August 06, 2014
Laura: You okay? Adam: We'll see. Katy filed all my piles of stuff. Laura: Well, she meant well, and you really needed to organize it all. Adam: The piles were the organization. I knew right where everything was. Laura: Oh, really? Let's see... Where was vivona invoice. Adam: Stack six. Between the paint samples and the coffee-stained cable bill, obviously.
kraftjeff over 10 years ago
I use or used that file format in my last job. Everybody else hated it but I could find whatever they needed as long as nobody ever touched a pile.
nosirrom over 10 years ago
The Lou Costello filing system!
Dani Rice over 10 years ago
M grandmother has a filing system similar to this. She could put her hands on any recipe you wanted in under three minutes, no matter how long ago she’d last made it.
SnowCritter over 10 years ago
My wife and I both use Adam’s filing system. It works well for me, but my wife – not so much. Fortunately, I keep track of her stuff, too.
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
My wife uses Adam’s system, if you can call it a system. Me, not so much; I need a bit more order in my life.
MontanaLady over 10 years ago
Used to use Adam’s system, but in retired life, everything has it’s place. (sigh)
scyphi26 over 10 years ago
Oh nice, Adam, that must have left Laura speechless for a second there.
susan.e.a.c over 10 years ago
Everyone has their own organizational style. If I put something away, i’ll never use it again. It’s why all my tools are in open drawers.
ndanger over 10 years ago
Sherlock Holmes used that filing system. He could tell the age of file by the amount of dust that covered it. One day, Mrs. Hudson (the Landlady) messed it all up by dusting his apartment.