Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for August 08, 2014
Adam: Katy, when you filed my piles of stuff, did you see a brochure for a six-jet shower? Katy: I don't remember. Are you getting one? Adam: What? No. It was an important place-holder in pile here. See, I picked it up after the beaulieu project, but before the Glynn job. Katy: Your brain makes my brain need a nap. Adam: Yeah, yeah. My brain does that to me, too.
Dani Rice over 10 years ago
As a matter of fact, his filing system makes sense to me. Trying to remember when a certain thing happened, I can figure is happened after my sister was born, but before we moved, or between the time I left boarding school and my graduation. So yeah, “before this and after that” works or me.
Retired Dude over 10 years ago
With all the coffee he drinks it’s a wonder he can nap at all.
MarshaHeimlich over 10 years ago
Isn’t there a son in this strip?
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Hey, I want one of those!.The six jet shower, I mean…
ChessPirate over 10 years ago
Yeah, well Katy, your brain makes me want to say “keep your female hands off my stuff!” (Mother threw away my comic books; sister threw away my sci-fi novels).
dzw3030 over 10 years ago
A pile for everything and everything in its pile. Or, in my case, heap…