We had a Twin Cities weatherman years ago who was 100% correct when he spoke about the weather. His name is Bud Kraehling, and he gave his weather report in front of WCCO’s “Weather Window”..As he was speaking, he would turn towards the window, and report exactly what he saw. If it was raining outside, Bud would say, “Well folks, better take an umbrella today, because its raining right now.”.As I said, Bud was always correct with the weather report…
huskiecoach over 10 years ago
Classic Carlin…thanks for posting, Al.
J Short over 10 years ago
If you are a weather man, just say chance of showers. That will cover your a$$ everyday.
Kerovan over 10 years ago
Anyone else getting a 404 error the first time they try to access a comic? Sometimes the second and third time too.
Godfreydaniel over 10 years ago
From “The Phantom Tollbooth”:“It’s more important to know whether there will be weather, than what the weather will be.”
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
We had a Twin Cities weatherman years ago who was 100% correct when he spoke about the weather. His name is Bud Kraehling, and he gave his weather report in front of WCCO’s “Weather Window”..As he was speaking, he would turn towards the window, and report exactly what he saw. If it was raining outside, Bud would say, “Well folks, better take an umbrella today, because its raining right now.”.As I said, Bud was always correct with the weather report…
rojroj over 10 years ago
Or, as they say on KNX, “mostly starry”.
RobinHood2013 over 10 years ago
Shoe’s not wrong. And neither was George “Al Sleet” Carlin.
Rest in peace, George.
Dr Lou Premium Member over 10 years ago
Right out of an old George (‘Hippy Dippy Weatherman’) Carlin routine.
“The weather tonight – dark – followed by widely scattered light in the morning. If you don’t like it….leave!”
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
HaHa! ;)