Ruthie’s level of homework is long, long in my past. Plus casual use of Ma Bell was not allowed without Mom’s supervision to make sure there were no accidental long distance calls. Is this Homework Hotline just a comics thing of Rick’s or is it a real thing for some school districts?
KenTheCoffinDweller almost 4 years ago
Ruthie’s level of homework is long, long in my past. Plus casual use of Ma Bell was not allowed without Mom’s supervision to make sure there were no accidental long distance calls. Is this Homework Hotline just a comics thing of Rick’s or is it a real thing for some school districts?
jagedlo almost 4 years ago
Homework paper cut?
The Reader Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Preparation for a life of fighting the bureaucracy.
kab2rb almost 4 years ago
Ruthie go to your mom.
ChazNCenTex almost 4 years ago
A (home)work related injury! Call OhSHA.
rpmurray almost 4 years ago
Put the finger up your nose, that will stop the bleeding.