Our yard is connected with five other yards, most of which have dogs so our dogs have quite the social life. There is a new dog on one side, a delightful hound our neighbors rescued while on vacation. He has the beautiful hound bay, a beautiful face, a cheerful soul and the waggiest tail around. Our dogs and he became instant friends. The seek each other out every time they go out, and the exchange of piddle is nearly non-stop. It’s hilarious to watch and does indeed take on the rythm of texting.
I’m finally learning how to text! It’s fun! I don’t see how anyone could do it while driving and not cause a fifty car pileup! I love that dog’s feet! I would kiss them!
clayusmcret Premium Member over 10 years ago
140 dribbles or less.
dogday Premium Member over 10 years ago
Our yard is connected with five other yards, most of which have dogs so our dogs have quite the social life. There is a new dog on one side, a delightful hound our neighbors rescued while on vacation. He has the beautiful hound bay, a beautiful face, a cheerful soul and the waggiest tail around. Our dogs and he became instant friends. The seek each other out every time they go out, and the exchange of piddle is nearly non-stop. It’s hilarious to watch and does indeed take on the rythm of texting.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
Running out of “ink”?
amethyst52 Premium Member over 10 years ago
I’m finally learning how to text! It’s fun! I don’t see how anyone could do it while driving and not cause a fifty car pileup! I love that dog’s feet! I would kiss them!