I heard this morning that Nokia is selling phone that’s just a phone. No camara, no games, internet, nothing but a phone. I think I want that.
Why is he telling Cripes?
what , no reception?oh, hell…..
Use his full name: Jeepers Cripes. (I hope Gosh doesn’t darn me to heck for that.) (Full disclosure: I stole this joke from Scott Adams.)
A little to late to call 911 anyways.
GROG Premium Member over 10 years ago
I heard this morning that Nokia is selling phone that’s just a phone. No camara, no games, internet, nothing but a phone. I think I want that.
Oxnate over 10 years ago
Why is he telling Cripes?
Nighthawks Premium Member over 10 years ago
what , no reception?oh, hell…..
pschearer Premium Member over 10 years ago
Use his full name: Jeepers Cripes. (I hope Gosh doesn’t darn me to heck for that.) (Full disclosure: I stole this joke from Scott Adams.)
Karaboo2 over 10 years ago
A little to late to call 911 anyways.
Budman 2 over 10 years ago