Do you believe in spanking kids who misbehave?
Todays youth is obsessed with pleasure, luxury and fun.
Kids should be put to work at a young age.
How young?
You'd be surprised how much you can haul with a tricycle.
Actually, our grandkids loved to help move fallen sticks. At four, they were built a lot closer to the ground than we were, and they’d load up their little red wagon with twigs, etc and take them to the compost heap for Granddad.
I wish we could put the kids who refuse to take their education seriously to work in factories. After a few weeks they would approach school differently.
@agingstoner, do you think that people who work in factories do so because they were slackers? If so, go visit the Tesla plant, the Apple Mac Pro factory, or any specialty steel mill. Would love to hear your insight. Or do you work in a factory?
nosirrom over 10 years ago
Or this
Monster Hesh over 10 years ago
Coal or asbestos, Crunchy? Or maybe…cotton?
Dani Rice over 10 years ago
Actually, our grandkids loved to help move fallen sticks. At four, they were built a lot closer to the ground than we were, and they’d load up their little red wagon with twigs, etc and take them to the compost heap for Granddad.
kab2rb over 10 years ago
My sister and I had a road master as kids we did a lot of play time. With wood we created our own drive path.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
So to discipline the kids you should take away the luxury and fun and they will not find the pleasure in that.
Gokie5 over 10 years ago
My grandkids would haul sticks, sort clothes, etc., at a very early age – but when they figured out that it was work, then nuhn unh!
bobdingus over 10 years ago
I wish we could put the kids who refuse to take their education seriously to work in factories. After a few weeks they would approach school differently.
dcp9142 over 10 years ago
@agingstoner, do you think that people who work in factories do so because they were slackers? If so, go visit the Tesla plant, the Apple Mac Pro factory, or any specialty steel mill. Would love to hear your insight. Or do you work in a factory?