La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for September 07, 2014

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    Templo S.U.D.  about 10 years ago

    Los Guardianes de la Galaxia.

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    zwilnik64  about 10 years ago

    Yeah, Groot usually gets trimmed in much more exciting ways. Oh, and if Rocket is a racoon, he denies it. Parallel evolution or something.

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    dzw3030  about 10 years ago

    Lalo’s intent aside, my first thought was the gardener was wondering if these two freaks were dangerous. Can you imagine the 911 call?

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    agrestic  about 10 years ago

    Ooooor, Lalo draws a strip that’s mostly about Latinos and so that’s the character he put in. And if you’re in California and want to go with sheer demographics, the large majority of landscapers are Latino. You’re also ignoring that Lalo includes in his strip Latino teachers, newspaper workers (and owners), bar owners, taco cart vendors, college students, news anchors, primary school students, retirees, and the like. But since the entire definition of you as indie is to attack one, and only one strip (and not praise any others, or even mention them or talk about them in their own forums), you see everything through the filter of hatred for the one strip.

    On the other hand, here’s an exercise: Why do you assume that gardener is Latino? Just because he’s brown? He could be South Asian, or indigenous, or, yes, black. Or Sicilian. But you’ve interpreted him as Latino because 1) he’s in Lalo’s strip (fair enough) and 2) that’s what you expect gardeners to be. In other words, I’d suggest you check that log you have buried in your eye socket there.

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    agrestic  about 10 years ago

    Hmmm…don’t know who that “someone” would be, since if you look at my posting history, you’ll see that I actually post to more than just this comic, and I’m in conversation with more than just you. I know you wish the world revolved around you, but you’ll just have to come to terms with the fact that it really doesn’t.

    Speaking of not changing things, no matter what you do, La Cucaracha gets posted daily. I don’t hate you, indie. But your smarmy postings do need to be countered, just like that problem child in class needs to be addressed.

    I notice you didn’t reply to the exercise I proposed to you. This is a recurring pattern: any time someone makes a good and thoughtful proposal to you, or poses a reasonable question, you respond by covering your eyes and ears and pretending it doesn’t exist. I can only assume it’s because you’re actually afraid of reasonable dialogue.

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  6. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  about 10 years ago

    Not to be contrary, but where I live more whites have gardening businesses than Latinos. Granted, most of their workers are Latino; however, there Are whites out there who do do the “grunge” work. I can only speak for my specific area, however.

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    agrestic  about 10 years ago

    And once again you prove your lack of reading skills. I didn’t demand you reply. I just noted what exactly you don’t reply to. In any case, you do manage to have conversations of a sort in this, as you say, comments section. Why, two of your posts today are (attemptedly oblique) replies to other posts! And thus my observation still stands. You’re not about being constructive; you’re only about tearing down. And then whining, “You’re not the boss of me!” when other folks call you on it.

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  8. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 10 years ago

    Please, Lalo did a nice entertaining strip, no political PC message. Can’t you just enjoy it, and no I am not attacking you just asking a favor.

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    Michelle Morris  about 10 years ago

    “I am Groot! Who dares to defy me?”

    -From “Where Monsters Dwell”

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