Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for August 19, 2014
Bucky Katt: Check out the gift bag I made for the contest winner. Satchel Pooch: Ooo, classy, like they give guests on radio programs! Bucky Katt: <WAP!> Satchel Pooch: Why'd you do that?! I said it was classy! Bucky Katt: Oh, perhaps I misheard you perhaps. Satchel Pooch: Well, I take it back, now! No radio show does that! Bucky Katt: Hi, Karl. Long-time loather, first-time mauler.
Radical_Knight over 10 years ago
errr…Long-time listener, first-time caller.
jbmlaw01 over 10 years ago
Only those who have never listened mouth the epithets.
jeffbacon12357 over 10 years ago
Certainly NOT a “first time mauler.” He’s been abusing Satch for years. Bad Kitty!
GustavR over 10 years ago
Bucky sounds like AL SHARPTON or JESSIE JACKSON, not Rush Limbaugh. Attack first, without facts, then slither away. Just ask Twana Brawley and anyone in Chicago…. Rush indeed.
GustavR over 10 years ago
More like Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson.
Ikigami over 10 years ago
Who’s Karl?Not Carl Kassell?
TerryTaylor about 4 years ago
How does Satchel know they give gift bags to radio show guests? It’s not like they discuss them on the air, and he certainly can’t see what’s happening on a radio show…