Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 10, 2010
Bob: Let me give you some advice on marriage, Joe... Joe Pyle: Umm... you've never been married, Bob. Bob: Exactly! That gives me a more objective point of view. Joe: So... you don't need any experience to be an expert? Bob: Hmm... OK... Let's put it this way... Try to think of me as the Pope... Joe: Check, please.
LordDogmore almost 15 years ago
Yea “Pope Bob I” I agree “Check Please!”
WoodEye almost 15 years ago
Check yourself Bob.
Pacejv almost 15 years ago
When we serve turkey, the question comes up about who wants the ‘Pope’s Nose?’ Well, Bob’s GOT it!
jscarey almost 15 years ago
I’m agreeing with Bob; objective, non-emotional observations come from a disinterested third party. I went to school to study commercial property appraisal and that was the underlying premise.
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
Bob, bob, bob… bob, bob, I ran…
poppy1313 almost 15 years ago
Or a marriage counselor
Hugh B. Hayve almost 15 years ago
Tell him Bob, “you don’t need to know how to swim, to know when somebody’s drowning”.
FresnoDude almost 15 years ago
Bob is a lawyer and the comic I assume takes place in a small town in Maine, so he has to have done divorce work. Therefore, he qualifies as an expert who has seen where a lot of things have gone wrong in a marriage. Perhaps he wants to suggest a prenuptial agreement?
cdward almost 15 years ago
^^But you do need to know how to swim in order to teach someone else how – or to save a drowning swimmer.
wicky almost 15 years ago
Someone should tell these two about “free milk and a cow”
grapfhics almost 15 years ago
how many times around the block do you have to …? Take the advice
lazygrazer almost 15 years ago
LOL—Yeah, I always wondered how the pope became the universal expert on private matters.
vexatron1984 almost 15 years ago
Just throw a wad of cash on the table and make a run for it Joe!
Wildcard24365 almost 15 years ago
As a parent, I’ve always found the BEST parenting advice comes from people who have NEVER been parents…
They ALWAYS know what you SHOULD HAVE done, and what THEY would have done if they were you…
Barbaratoo almost 15 years ago
Cleokaya: Not sure if others got the tune to your post (Naturally, I did). and…
Any “Arrested Development” fans had to think of Bob Loblaw when you “said” it.
Wiley: There were two comics about sarcasm today - Coincidence after all the references here the other day?
Potrzebie almost 15 years ago
Holy bleeep, No comments from the Okie?
jsprat almost 15 years ago
Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent. Nietzsche
@cdward - drowning swimmer?
notbugme almost 15 years ago
So I misread this as “the PEOPLE.” Maybe even funnier…
kevinm40 almost 15 years ago
I wonder how much longer before the new wife puts an end to Joe having going out for a beer with his brother?
dsom8 almost 15 years ago
I’m glad that someone (Hugh B. Hayve for one) recognized the false logic. Objectivity and expertise are two different things. And Hugh’s analogy (swimming vs drowning) is perfect, cdward’s objection notwithstanding. Many are the mistakes I’ve made by not taking my own advice from the time before I got involved in a situation.
lewisbower almost 15 years ago
Yeah, like a married man is going to know how to make a decision.
ronaldmundy almost 15 years ago
so jscarey, are you saying, you don’t need to know s**t to put in your two cents worth, and you went to school for that? yeah, sounds like a realtor. richard, i’m liking your point of view more and more. kevinm, that’s only the first year. after that they can’t wait for you to get out of the house so they can have some me time…..and i can’t blame them. lew, neither are married. oh, you’re just making a confession. Great strip today, Wiley! standing on the other side of the bar the way i do, you’d be surprized how much useless knowledge abounds.
Whatroughbeast almost 15 years ago
OK, if no one else is going to say it , I guess it’s left to me to politicize it. LOL
“So you don’t need any experience to be an expert.”
Remind anyone of any sitting president of the United States?
Sorry, I just couldn’t resist stirring the pudding.
spirit42 almost 15 years ago
Wildcard and Lewreader, so on target! Good strip Wiley - this could also apply to congress making technical decisions for us, as in health care, space shuttle, which way is up, etc.
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
Every 12 year old i ever met knows what’s best for them, so I have to say , “Yes.” to Joe. He can ask Danae, she’ll tell him.
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
Respecting my avatar: In “The Bear”, Faulkner wrote that “women are born knowing what men take a life time to learn.” The problem is they aren’t born as very good teachers.
1148559 almost 15 years ago
@ Wildcard24365,
Then, (if and) when they have kids of their own, they do the same things their parents did.
I’ve not had kids of my own, but I have lived long enough to see that happen with other people.
caucel almost 15 years ago
Well, you dont need being in middle of a Hurracane or twister for knows its destrucutive power. That is similar to marriage. :)
Kevin Parker Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Bachelors making marriage policy, like men making abortion policy, is like mermaids making shoes.
Wildmustang1262 almost 15 years ago
Joe doesn’t want Bob’s advice about the marriage and he wants to get out of the bar, cafe or whatever!
artisanx almost 15 years ago
Advice about marriage is sorta like: “If you save a drowning man, you save his life for a day. If you teach that man to swim, there’s no guarantee that he won’t be run over by the crosstown bus tomorrow!” I say just sit back and count the bubbles…
artybee almost 15 years ago
X is the unknown, and spurt is a drip under pressure. Hence: “expert” Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Dope yes, Pope, probably not – tho last time I checked Popes don’t get married either.
Justice22 almost 15 years ago
Pretty soon it will be “Checkmate”? No, I don’t think so.
JP Steve Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Wildcard – then they post their advice on “For Better of for Worse”
ronaldmundy almost 15 years ago
kevin, you have mermaids in a sweat shop?
wittyvegan about 13 years ago
I’ll ask the pope when I need infos how to cover up paedophilia on a major scale.