FoxTrot by Bill Amend for May 19, 1989
Paige: Thank you for taking me, Chris. It was interesting. Chris: You're acting as if the evening were over. Paige: It's 1 a.m. The evening is over, Chris. Chris: Nonsense. Hey- what do you say we drive up to Coyote Point and look at the stars. Paige: The evening is over, Chris. Chris: Don't be silly. The evening's not over til we want it to be over. Paige: The evening is over, Chris! Chris: Gosh, I sure hope we don't run out of gas up in the mountains...
Dyceiretak almost 7 years ago
Some people are just so stupid. “No” means no.
MJ J about 5 years ago
Morissey looks really weird in the third panel.
ThatKidJack3 almost 4 years ago
And they hate Asexuals…