FoxTrot by Bill Amend for October 23, 1990
Jason: Now, it may be too small- I wore it when I was 8. Peter: Ooo- I like it. Jason: It's a hemotron. They were the aliens in the movie "Carnivortex." Peter: Can't say I ever saw it. Jason: Oh, man, you'd remember if you had. It was great. This band of astronauts land on this planet and get their heads ripped off. Peter: Now if I can just get this stupid thing-... Jason: Yeah- kinda like that. Peter: Jason, how do I get this off?!
Rachel_E over 4 years ago
Peter will be stuck with that ugly thing FOREVER! XD
lguanoman about 2 years ago
I love this story
Grimrose over 1 year ago
Didn’t expect to be that small for a teen.