Frog Applause by Teresa Burritt for December 16, 2014

  1. Mug1
    waycyber  about 10 years ago

    I tried to send stuff, but the emails bounced

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  2. Willin 2
    Wasbluskies  about 10 years ago

    Another imposter horning in on Dear Lady’s popularity? Teresa, exploring the possibility of a return? I’ve noticed and noted prior appearances. Antonio’s no Teresa (or Grace, for that matter.) Without the blog, the strip has no life. Let it rest in peace. My hopes are dashed (or at least hyphenated.)

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  3. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member about 10 years ago

    it’s Sunday somewhen.Is Teresa back yet?

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  4. Vlad2
    Oxnate  about 10 years ago

    Yay! They finally got back around to my favorite strip. It’s probably because I wrote (1/3rd of) it. But still.

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