Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for March 12, 2010

  1. Dreamoutloud
    SaraCVT  almost 15 years ago

    What makes you think there WILL be future children?

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    GrimmaTheNome  almost 15 years ago

    I was thinking the other day, all this stuff about Irving trying to cling on to his remaining brain cells is some sort of midlife crisis and they are never going to have kids (how old are they anyway? I’m sure Cathy used to be older than me)

    And frankly that seemed just as well but I felt sorry for Cathy’s ma and pa who’d be perfect grandparents.

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  3. Princesses
    mcveinot  almost 15 years ago

    They are both too egocentric to have children. And if they do have children, may God have mercy on us all!

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  4. Wonder woman
    funnyfan928  almost 15 years ago

    Perhaps the “children” Irving was referring to were the dogs; that’s as close as he and Cathy will ever get!

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  5. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    I used to think that Cathy aged, which would mean she’s at least 50, but now I think they’re stuck in their 30’s. While they’re not the ideal parents, it certainly would create many new storylines. Maybe a child would help them grow up.

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  6. Large dolphin1a
    DolphinGirl78  almost 15 years ago

    Is it me, or is anyone else getting sick of this subject?

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  7. New jaguar anim 200x200
    i_am_the_jam  almost 15 years ago

    I’m surprised that they got married in the first place. I wouldn’t give this marriage a lifespan long enough for children to come out of it. In a previous strip, Irving himself said that they were too old to have them.

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    jmersnga  almost 15 years ago

    As a long time Cathy reader I think that they are perfect for each other and I’m glad to see that Guisewite shows he’s just as neurotic as she is about things… him electronics, her clothes and makeup.

    If she does eventually write kids into their lives, well there’s a whole new slew of neurosis and what would a Cathy cartoon be without them?

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  9. 8487d5805da9012ee3bf00163e41dd5bfunny
    summerdog86  almost 15 years ago

    I doubt very much if Cathy will ever have a baby. Now, Guisewite might have them adopt one, like she did herself in real life.

    It’s true that Cathy and Irving don’t seem to age any more. If they did, the dogs would be long dead and C & I would be 50. Way too old to have a baby of their own. But not too old to adopt.

    Anyone remember when Charlene was pregnant some years ago? THAT storyline was dropped and we never heard a thing about it. Like WE would forget the whole idea! I was looking forward to it.

    Irving is obsessing over his brain cells like he used to obsess about his hair cells.

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  10. Bambi by brunamf
    Jascat  almost 15 years ago

    A child with two OCs for parents?! God forbid! I would truly pity that kid….

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    GrimmaTheNome  almost 15 years ago

    Just so long as we don’t get C&I at the fertility clinic.

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  12. 8487d5805da9012ee3bf00163e41dd5bfunny
    summerdog86  almost 15 years ago

    Oh yes, Charlene was pregnant, several years ago now.

    I remember her showing Cathy her first ulta-sound picture, and Charlene obsessing over every little thing about being pregnant. Cathy just sat there and mumbled about how it was going to be listening to her keep it up for the next several months. Then….nothing more was said.

    Can anyone else remember the story line? I would appreciate it if you did and mentioned it here.

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  13. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  almost 15 years ago

    Are the dogs pregnant? That’s the only way they’ll get future children, unless he can make one with his loving phone. Is there an app for that???

    Cathy’s kind of old to be taking chances with late life children. I’m what her age would be, before you get on my case for saying it. WIth all the autism and Downs Syndrome these days, and Irving being what he is, I sure wouldn’t chance it.

    Go walk around a Walmart for 20 minutes Cathy, The desire for children will run away faster than you can.

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  14. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Uh Oh!!

    I too remember the Charlene pregnancy which never materialized.

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  15. 8487d5805da9012ee3bf00163e41dd5bfunny
    summerdog86  almost 15 years ago

    Thanks, lindz.

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  16. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  almost 15 years ago

    I too thought that Charlene never had children. It’s been so long since we’ve seen her do anything other than make random office appearances that I forgot, but I don’t remember her and her husband having any kids. They just go on vacation and buy electronics too. I wonder why Cathy and Irving never hang out with them.

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  17. 8487d5805da9012ee3bf00163e41dd5bfunny
    summerdog86  almost 15 years ago

    I think that C & I never spend time with Charlene and her husband because Cathy used to date him before Charlene did.

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