FoxTrot by Bill Amend for August 16, 1988
Jason: Phillipe slowlee lowairs heemsalf eento zee shak-eenfestad watair. Ahmd unlee wis ay spair gahn, Phillipe sairches far zee danjeras gret wat shak. He spahts hees ahdvarsaree een zee watair ahaid. Paige: Now, mom, you're sure there aren't any creepy things under this water!? Jason: Phillipe redees hees spair gahn...
Dyceiretak about 7 years ago
I love the “French” accent.
Quincy is my Spirit Animal about 6 years ago
Jaques Cousteau
ButteryPopcorn over 4 years ago
Nice accent Jason!
SuperCharged5- about 4 years ago
I wonder how many people will come hear asking what he’s saying
amel4490amel4490 almost 4 years ago
Paige is a great white shark, apparently.
Camsters over 3 years ago
Phillipe slowly lowers himself into the shark infested water. Armed only with a spare gun, Phillipe searches for the dangerous great white shark. He spots his adversary in the water ahead. Phillipe readies his spare gun…
haha this was tricky to figure out!