nope!…tests were negative, so in today’s money-driven medicine, we need a few more blood samples, perhaps a tissue specimen, and a very expensive ct or mri study. One way or another, we will find out some disease/sickness/malady we can write a prescription/surgery order for!
Simon_Jester over 10 years ago
Well, we all know what’s coming, don’t we?
Steve Bartholomew over 10 years ago
Also, your insurance has run out.
Driveteach over 10 years ago
nope!…tests were negative, so in today’s money-driven medicine, we need a few more blood samples, perhaps a tissue specimen, and a very expensive ct or mri study. One way or another, we will find out some disease/sickness/malady we can write a prescription/surgery order for!
J Short over 10 years ago
They tested for an insurance policy.
chizzel over 10 years ago
There’s nothing wrong with you……that will be $6,000.00 please.
boldyuma over 10 years ago
“Will that be charge ,or, firstborn?”
goalgo over 10 years ago
you can tell this is a rerun from years ago, these days he’d have never got a bed