Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for September 25, 2014
13-year-old Jamie Edwards built a nuclear fusion reactor at his school and Lancashire, England. Two parishes on the Greek island of Chios celebrate Easter by firing thousands of rockets at each other's churches. The winner is the church that scores the most direct hits on its rival. Number 1 In 1626, King Charles I of England made it the law for people to stockpile their urine for use in making gunpowder. It was collected in towns daily.
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
Okay… how on earth does a bodily fluid help make gunpowder? No body answer that, please and thank you.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 10 years ago
I heard that the ancient Romans saved urine for the laundry workers to use. Urine left out turns to ammonia after a few days.
Charlie Fogwhistle over 10 years ago
Believe it or not. Fusion reactor? Not.
aimlesscruzr over 10 years ago
Wow, fusion reactor? Here’s the link:
Don’t worry, Sir, it’s only a nuclear reactor
tahoeh2o over 10 years ago
You can also use urine to make barbiturates. The first ones were made from Barbara’s urine…
tahoeh2o over 10 years ago
The source for the radioactive element to make the reactor is smoke detectors…
loner34 over 10 years ago
Unfortunate NOBODY has created FUSION reactors.AND it would be a viable energy source. Paranoid people react negatively to the word nuclear, without having all (any) of the facts. Check out nuclear fusion (not fission).
loner34 over 10 years ago
Fusion reactors have been getting a lot of press recently because they offer some major advantages over other power sources. They will use abundant sources of fuel, they will not leak radiation above normal background levels and they will produce less radioactive waste than current fission reactors.
Nobody has put the technology into practice yet, but working reactors aren’t actually that far off. Fusion reactors are now in experimental stages at several laboratories in the United States and around the world.
ChessPirate over 10 years ago
The winner is the parish whose church doesn’t burn down…
MetalOverCountry about 10 years ago
urine goes bang