Origins of the Sunday Comics by Peter Maresca for September 01, 2014

  1. Walle avatar wave v1
    Dave Thorby  over 10 years ago

    “If you have good health and a good disposition and a few thousand dollars a month, you ought to be satisfied I think”

    How much were cartoonists paid in 1905?

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  2. 9b2fb8d21da4ef5f02efe0307e32a990796ec154e7bc1c6893b7367c51fc6ab9
    nailer Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Yay! Love this one! This is the fist memory I have of Buster Brown, back from when I got to read the Smithsonian´s Book of Comics at the college library some 25 years ago.

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  3. Rick
    davidf42  over 10 years ago

    Hi! I’m Buster Brown! Look for me in your shoe!Arf! Arf!That’s my dog Tige! Look for him in there too!

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  4. Downloadfile
    Guilty Bystander  over 10 years ago

    Wow, a comic with social consciousness toward animals and poverty in 1905. Who’d a thunk it?

    Loved the “Slide Kelly Slide” reference, too. That was the title to a song about a baseball player of the ’80’s and ’90’s named Mike “King” Kelly, who was the most popular ballplayer in America back then and a real character.

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  5. Rabbi sammy final
    pauljmsn  over 10 years ago

    Not only two “Buster Browns” and “Yellow Kids”, but “Katzenjammer Kids”. Apparently the practice was not uncommon. Copyright was a murky area back then.

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  6. Missing large
    MysteryCat  over 10 years ago

    Anyone get the “let her go Gallagher” reference?

    Are those passenger pigeons on the roof?

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  7. Redfoxava
    reynard61  over 10 years ago

    Wouldn’t a bucket of ice water dumped on the head have been simpler?

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