Wear a teabag
Demand a birth certificate
Talk about the good old days under Reagan
Talk about his war experiences in The Battle of Fort Dix
See Russia, Iran, and N. Korea from his porch
Call the President by his middle name.
1) Vote for tax cuts and the medicare advantage giveaway to drug companies that balloon the national debt by over $2 trillion via reconciliation,
2) then tell people a few years later that not only are you a fiscal conservative,
3) but using this evil reconciliation trick to pass a health care bill that reduces the actual debt is pure treachery.
4) Oh, and keep your socialist hands off my government-run Medicare. We have to cut the deficit, but Medicare, Social Security and Defense Spending are sacrosanct. And it’s very important to cut taxes again.
That’s about the message conservatives have for you today.
grapfhics almost 15 years ago
I’d start by keeping my mouth shut.
lewisbower almost 15 years ago
Wear a teabag Demand a birth certificate Talk about the good old days under Reagan Talk about his war experiences in The Battle of Fort Dix See Russia, Iran, and N. Korea from his porch Call the President by his middle name.
Plods with ...™ almost 15 years ago
IF they don’t understand you. YELL LOUDER…. just like on a cell phone
Dirty Dragon almost 15 years ago
How to be an American Conservative:
1) Vote for tax cuts and the medicare advantage giveaway to drug companies that balloon the national debt by over $2 trillion via reconciliation,
2) then tell people a few years later that not only are you a fiscal conservative,
3) but using this evil reconciliation trick to pass a health care bill that reduces the actual debt is pure treachery.
4) Oh, and keep your socialist hands off my government-run Medicare. We have to cut the deficit, but Medicare, Social Security and Defense Spending are sacrosanct. And it’s very important to cut taxes again.
That’s about the message conservatives have for you today.
Plods with ...™ almost 15 years ago
wait’ll tomorrow it’ll change
Coyoty Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Praise health care when you’re using it and condemn it when you’re not.