Frank and Ernest by Thaves for September 28, 2014
Athens Playhouse Frank: Euclid is rehearsing a play he wrote about lust, money and lies. Investment Sales Office Euclid: Don't be obtuse! Face each other from this angle! Frank: He's a tough director. Ernest: It's surprising that Euclid, the father of geometry, wrote about passion, money and deceit. Frank: I thought so too, until I read the script. Frank: It's a story about a pyramid scheme and a love triangle!
TREEINTHEWIND over 10 years ago
What………… no sex?
TREEINTHEWIND over 10 years ago
Whose self-interest is being served?……………………………. and at what rate? ………..Is pre-calculus necessary to get things moving?
NoCents over 10 years ago
I think he is purposelessly being obtuse.
ChessPirate over 10 years ago
Some characters have merging and multiplication on their minds and others have division and subtraction on theirs…
dwpbike over 10 years ago
the angle of the dangle is directly proportional…
TREEINTHEWIND over 10 years ago
For other useless mathematical games try using Pythagoras’ theorem……………..