It’s too crowded in there. They need to take their clothes off to make room.
A male must have slipped into that last panel.
Good morning JW fans. A surprise is in store tomorrow. Unless the storyline changes.
Hope the ladies have a great time.
Fawlty Towers…
Paige Braddock and Jason McNamara
February 28, 2014
nufalready over 10 years ago
It’s too crowded in there. They need to take their clothes off to make room.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
A male must have slipped into that last panel.
Starman1948 over 10 years ago
Good morning JW fans. A surprise is in store tomorrow. Unless the storyline changes.
jeffbacon12357 over 10 years ago
Hope the ladies have a great time.
ChessPirate over 10 years ago
Fawlty Towers…