Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for September 15, 2014
what's the right band instrument for you? the sousaphone try handling this thing in a stiff breeze without incurring a major mal-occlusion. it's a regular orthodontist's delight. avoid this one. man: ow the viola the most ill-tempered member of the notor-ious string family. currently under indictment for ar-ranging a hit on the woodwind family. viola: tonight the bassoon sleeps with the fishes. cello: right, boss. the glockenspiel about as musical as a baby's pull-toy. you might as well just jingle the loose change in your pants pocket. dinky dinky dink dinkadink dink dink dinkydi dinky dink girl: stop.
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
There never was a “right band instrument” for me. Being a lefty is a real handicap in getting started with so many instruments. It’s why my youthful accordion lessons went nowhere….
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
My Spanish Skin Flute works just fine.
Malcolm Hall over 10 years ago
I was told by the Junior High band leader that my mouth was perfect for a clarinet and so I signed up for that instrument. When I relayed this nugget to my parents, they howled with laughter. It took me a while to understand the joke.
Mel-T-Pass Premium Member over 10 years ago
Didjeridu or bullroarer.
ehtaniguchi over 10 years ago
My son would agree with that statement about the viola. After three years of fighting with the thing, he quit and took up electric guitar. Hasn’t looked back since, though there may be an angry viola out there looking for him.
Bob. over 10 years ago
Here’s your horn.
John W Kennedy Premium Member over 10 years ago
That’s not a glockenspiel. A glockenspiel is a tabletop instrument like a xylophone, but with bars made of metal instead of wood. This is a bell lyre. It’s mostly played by oboists and others who, when not marching, play instruments unfit to march with.