Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for September 30, 2014
in the autumn a poem in the autumn, when it's fall, mother nature comes to call on every hill, in every dale, in forest, meadow, field & vale, with skill she wields her magic brush, so brings the trees to brilliant blush mother nature: we'll do the next one in a sort of harvest gold. squirrel: she knows they're just going to drop off, right? rabbit: you tell her. with her palette, bright & rich, and her taste for showy kitsch.
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Very witty, indeed! But we must admire Ma’s artistry: the fall colors are beautiful.
Plumbob Wilson over 10 years ago
I feel your pain. The walnuts start dropping their leaves the middle of July, and the oaks will hold out until December.
ehtaniguchi over 10 years ago
In the Bay Area, the leaves don’t drop until December. We celebrate the holidays with raking. Lots and lots of raking.