Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for September 05, 2014
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling SIXTH IN A SERIES OF GOVERNMENT INFORMATION BROCHURES YOUR local government, working for YOU! Attention, African Americans! We Regular Americans are delighted you've joined us here in Our Greatest Nation On Earth! The historical circumstances of your ancestors' arrival were somewhat less than voluntary and enthusiastic, but we don't hold that against you! Of course, you hold the rights and privileges that all Americans do! And to be sure you enjoy them properly, kindly adhere to the following Helpful Tips. When shopping, please announce when you are moving to a new aisle so that helpful clerks may follow you without delay or confusion. It is impolite to mention "white privilege" -- please pretend it does not exist. After all, we are courteous enough to pretend that Rap is music. If stopped at any time for questioning by a police officer, please do not make any sudden menacing or threatening gestures, such as being a black male. It is every citizen's right to peaceably protest, so please do so under the watchful gaze of our tank operators and snipers. Note: Throwing tear gas canisters back at the authorities who launched them at you is considered a faux pas. REMEMBER: All Americans are equal, and if you follow these simple guidelines, YOU CAN BE TOO!
dougsathome over 10 years ago
As George Orwell wrote in Animal Farm: “All animals are created equal – but some are more equal than others”.
steverinoCT over 10 years ago
You can’t see it under the suit coat, but the guy’s pants are down around his hips and his boxers are showing.
MaryWorth Premium Member over 10 years ago
Ken made a good one here!
QuiteDragon over 10 years ago
[insert ironic, very dark, and slightly amused emoticon]
jmarkoff2 over 10 years ago
Old gag: DWB means Driving While Black.
QuiteDragon over 10 years ago
In logic, that is called Tu Quoque. That is just the tip of fallacy iceberg that is your comment.
pam Miner over 10 years ago
Good one. I saw a horrible thing on you tube today that shows the double standard toward races. It was awful. a black man was walking his dog and stopped to see why all the police cars were at that location.Ok to do if you are white. The end result left me shaken and in tears.the end result was the police shot the man’s dog, but it was still alive, crippled, howling in pain. the police did not seem to care there was a badly hurt dog screaming in pain, even though people ( all races) reacting to the writhing dog.They could have put it out of it’s misery, I hope some good sameritan took the dog to the vet. Neither man nor dog had done anything wrong. Of course the man started crying for his badly injured dog. 1. the man should have left, if he was white he would have been ok.2. since the man had put the dog in his car he didn’t want anything to happen to it. but the dog got out a partly open window.3. this would never have happened to a white guy.