To afford college for the next generation, Thatadad is forced to go back to the only brew he could afford when he was in school. For us it was Old Milwaukee. We referred to it as Old Swill.
Unless he’s going into engineering, send your kid to community college to learn a trade. College is a waste of money, where you may learn to think but nobody wants to pay for thoughts.
Templo S.U.D. about 10 years ago
Oktoberfest I presume.
car2ner about 10 years ago
never mind college. gotta fill the retirement fund. then again I like support an up and coming local business…Go Mully’s Brewery.
Purple-Stater Premium Member about 10 years ago
Life is too short for cheap beer or cigars.
tsandl about 10 years ago
Baby can get a scholarship.
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
Not to worry, Thatababy will just piss away his tuition anyway just as his dad would have with the small batch craft beer.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer about 10 years ago
aww c’mon mom let dad have his fun
Piksea Premium Member about 10 years ago
To afford college for the next generation, Thatadad is forced to go back to the only brew he could afford when he was in school. For us it was Old Milwaukee. We referred to it as Old Swill.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 10 years ago
Sorry sir.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member about 10 years ago
Unless he’s going into engineering, send your kid to community college to learn a trade. College is a waste of money, where you may learn to think but nobody wants to pay for thoughts.
Bob. about 10 years ago
If you want to pass, you learn to think as the instructor wishes.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member about 10 years ago
Please tell me that that number is grossly exaggerated
Scorchwave about 10 years ago
HAH Backwash. xD
Maybe thatababy doesn’t want to go to college!
Nancy Murphy about 10 years ago
Sometimes parenthood sucks!
heatherjasper about 10 years ago
Thatadad’s eyes are so cute in the first panel.
mauimike6 over 5 years ago
Bear Whiz, the beer that made Montana famous!