Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for March 25, 2010
Saleswoman: "Trend-free" dressing is all about finding what works on you as an individual! ...What works on you in the context of your little community of friends and co-workers... ...Which needs to blend with the general look of your neighborhood community...Your city community...Your state community... and be relatable to the zillion communities from sea to shining sea! Cathy: This is my individual statement? Saleswoman: God bless America!
ejcapulet almost 15 years ago
And what if I don’t give two hoots from a ticky bird what everyone else is wearing?
Cymbol almost 15 years ago
God help my bank account!
lightenup Premium Member almost 15 years ago
LOL, ejcapulet! Hooting ticky birds… hahahaha :-)
Allison Nunn Premium Member almost 15 years ago
better than ticking hooty birds…..
baggybut almost 15 years ago
The comments are better than the cartoon. LOL!
funnyfan928 almost 15 years ago
Here’s a thought: why not wear the clothes you have already, thereby showing your co-workers your thriftiness, so that the’ll follow suit and put the hooting ticky birds out of business?
puddleglum1066 almost 15 years ago
Funnyfan928: even better, wear the clothes you have, and take the money you would have spent on imported “fashion” stuff (hardly any clothing is still made in this country; thank you, Sam Walton…) and spend it on something (anything!) that’s made in the USA. We might yet get this economy running again…
serenasakitty almost 15 years ago
Good idea, Puddleglum but where can you find stuff made in the USA? Or in my case, Canada?
DolphinGirl78 almost 15 years ago
Agreed serenasakitty… I’m in Canada also… Besides the Bay (which is worse than some stores I’ve seen lately), where can you find clothing made in Canada?
mrslukeskywalker almost 15 years ago
I already have what works, so I don’t need to FIND it. For once the sales/waitress makes a little sense.
If you built your wardrobe with classic styled basics in non crazy patterns or colors, they never go out of style, and if they do, they come right back. You can’t go wrong with them. You’re always in fashion and you already have it, and you look like you know what you’re doing. You can always add something trendy to them, until the trend goes out in a month.