Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for March 30, 2010
Cathy: These skinny, ankle-length pants fit perfectly, but look terrible! Saleswoman: Your eyes need time to adjust. Cathy: Excuse me? Saleswoman: Look away! Look back. Look away! Look back. Before you know it, the new proportion will look normal and you'll feel stunning! Cathy:...Hm! It IS better! Saleswoman: First we fit the body, then we have to fit the eyeballs.
ksoskins almost 15 years ago
She never realizes that she needs a cloaking device.
GrimmaTheNome almost 15 years ago
No, really, they look terrible on anyone over a certain age and/or girth.
lightenup Premium Member almost 15 years ago
It’s just the blood swirling around your head.
DolphinGirl78 almost 15 years ago
OMG! I’m scared now…
Kaytebb almost 15 years ago
That’s called whiplash and being dizzy. Eek.
My sister gave me a good rule of thumb, if you have to talk yourself into it, it’s probably not right for you. And she’s right, the stuff I’ve talked myself into is the stuff that usually ends up sitting in the closet unused.
puddleglum1066 almost 15 years ago
Kaytebb–it’s also not right if you can talk yourself out of it. If you don’t have to talk yourself into it, and you can’t talk yourself out of it, the thing might be right.
Wow. I’m starting to sound like Donald (“there are known knowns, and known unknowns…”) Rumsfeld here…
peter0423 almost 15 years ago
But you’re absolutely right, puddleglum.
(Rumsfeld was right too, of course – he was only stating a commonplace in logical reasoning. But he was a pompous bleeep, so he was pretty easy to mock!)
Plods with ...™ almost 15 years ago
so’s this toon SCATTY.
I quote from the ‘About Cathy’ to the right: “…she personifies the young career woman and her typical daily obstacles. Ice cream, panic attacks, stress and love are all in a day’s work…”
‘Career’???? She hasn’t been to her ‘job’ more than 3 times(?) in months!
Her panic attacks, stress, and love are all in the freakin mall!
Throw us old Cathy fans a bone now and then and put her in the office for a week or so a month.
peter0423 almost 15 years ago
The people who write the GOCOMICS blurbs on the right must be editorial staff who never actually read the strips themselves – there are too many examples of blurbs that simply don’t match the strip. (But that’s okay; it’s a small price to pay for their making the strips available to us.)
MamaTaney almost 15 years ago
Now look at your man. Now back to me, Sadly, he isn’t me.
I’m on a horse.
mrslukeskywalker almost 15 years ago
She may be closer in looks to “every woman” than we’d like to believe. I was watching the news last night about a bunch of medical workers, nurses or something like that who are all on strike outside the hospital. They were all enormous, every single one of them. They were hugging each other and none of them could get their arms around the other one, and they’re the ones telling people how to be healthy!?! It has just become so prevalent is all I’m saying. I was kind of shocked to see it.
You need a long top, Cathy. Stretch pants should never be worn with your butt showing, even if you’re thin. It’s just not right. Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Absolutely right MrsL!
mrslukeskywalker almost 15 years ago
Thanks Lindz! : )
lin4869 almost 15 years ago
MamaTaney, LOL–I love that commercial! (I thought of it also when I read the toon.)
Kaytebb almost 15 years ago
puddleglum1066, you’re so right! if you’re sitting there going, it looks great but i don’t really need it, and a million other why not’s, it’s probably not right.
lol but once i really wasn’t sure about a jacket and a lady i didn’t know (and no she didn’t work for the store) came up to me and told me how fantastic i looked in it and said she hoped i got it cause of how cute it was on me. I did and I didn’t regret it. And apparently the person who stole it from the restaurant my friends and I were at one night agreed it was really great too. (sigh)