The Doozies by Tom Gammill for March 21, 2010

  1. Senmurv
    mrsullenbeauty  almost 15 years ago

    If she’d just stuck with lamps she’d probably be in the clover right now instead of at the job fair.

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  2. 100 5308
    tgaml  almost 15 years ago

    I think in the twenty years since the nursery rhyme Mary got cocky and started bringing the lamb places on purpose, to see the reaction it got. And this time it backfired.

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  3. Papuhead
    xethtoon  almost 15 years ago

    Thank god you didn’t show Humpty Dumpty in the next cubicle.

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  4. Discoed
    discoEd  almost 15 years ago

    At least this guy has the class to fire employees, as apposed to the spineless clowns who place employees on “layoff” to avoid having to pay severance. I won’t mention any names right now.

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