FoxTrot by Bill Amend for November 09, 2014
Andy: Jason, pizza! Jason: Yay! Andy: Peter, pizza! Peter: Woohoo! Andy: Paige, (emoji) Paige: (emoji) Jason: I don't know why you humor her weird need to use emoji's everytwhere. Andy: Says the boy who's demanded binary numbers on his last 0011 birthday cakes. Paige: (emoji)
LobosSolos Premium Member about 10 years ago
0011 is 3.
RobinHood2013 about 10 years ago
Seriously, am I the only one who sees a hint of Sheldon Cooper in Jason Fox?
Dobie Takahama about 10 years ago
Well, at least she’s not speaking in hashtags!
Curtis Mathews about 10 years ago
Big Bang Theory!
KEA about 10 years ago
uh, how does one do binary on a birthday cake? — candles and … donuts?, lifesavers?, cheerios?, …??
ladykat about 10 years ago
Don’t talk to me about birthdays, I have one coming up in 2 weeks. Blech.
ladykat about 10 years ago
And then I have 3 others to celebrate in December, then Christmas.
rilla7979 about 10 years ago
Retired Dude about 10 years ago
I’m 01000100 binary or 44 hex.
smurf764 about 10 years ago
I am just surprised she got a pizza they like instead of some weird veggie pizza.
nosirrom about 10 years ago
What time is it?
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
If “a fortune” is subjective, and means something different to different people, how much does a pizza cost if it “costs a fortune”?
alan about 10 years ago
Binary numbers are the only way to go on cakes as you get a tad older. For instance, 67 only needs 3 candles and 4 ‘holes’ in the frosting. Avoids conflagrations. (That’s 1000011 for the uneducated)
Doctor11 about 10 years ago
Mom gots him there.
bubujin_2 Premium Member about 10 years ago
I just turned 110101 before the weekend. :-)
jimboylan about 10 years ago
Andy offers pizza to the boys, but only a slice to Paige?
jimboylan about 10 years ago
Andy offers pizza to the boys, but only a slice to Paige?
rphbeta about 10 years ago
Ever notice how Bender prays in binary, then exclaims “2!” for amen?
_GarfieldFan_ about 6 years ago
last 3 birthday cakes, btw. We learned about it in class.
the thing is- about 4 years ago
is peter sick?