When I was in the military, we had to go through ‘sexual harresment’ and ‘racial discrimination training’. For some of the guys it more of a ‘how to’ class...Then there was the girl went back to the store demanding a refund on the whistle she had purcashed saying it didn’t work. “I bought this rape whistle and blew it 3 times and never did get raped.”
John Lustig (Last Kiss) creator about 10 years ago
Here’s the link to the original art and some other silliness.
pcolli about 10 years ago
Now, pucker up and kiss me, ugly.
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
Now the judge will need anger management.
warjoski Premium Member about 10 years ago
Your new roomie Big Andrew/Alice thinks you need kissing management therapy…
Vet Premium Member about 10 years ago
Wait till he get the attorneys bill….no amount of Anger Management can stop that.
Woody157 about 10 years ago
When I was in the military, we had to go through ‘sexual harresment’ and ‘racial discrimination training’. For some of the guys it more of a ‘how to’ class...Then there was the girl went back to the store demanding a refund on the whistle she had purcashed saying it didn’t work. “I bought this rape whistle and blew it 3 times and never did get raped.”