I’m waiting for my cartoon character to appear as a 42 year old, 5’4", size 8, decent job, happily married to the same man, I’ll settle for the 3 kids I had, but I want to remain like that forever. Yah. I know…Dream On! So, I guess I’ll have to settle for 5’2", size 12-L depending, soon to be 83, good mind, not-so-good body. But I AM still alive and will thrive!
cdward over 7 years ago
Could be worse; you could be a Fusco.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 7 years ago
You did get super powers for a time.
Skylark over 7 years ago
I’m waiting for my cartoon character to appear as a 42 year old, 5’4", size 8, decent job, happily married to the same man, I’ll settle for the 3 kids I had, but I want to remain like that forever. Yah. I know…Dream On! So, I guess I’ll have to settle for 5’2", size 12-L depending, soon to be 83, good mind, not-so-good body. But I AM still alive and will thrive!