Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for November 30, 2014
Girl: Look at the jet trails up there, Dad. I wonder what kind of adventures the people on those planes are going on... Man: Oh, off to impose themselves on relatives, get their butts handed to them in meetings... Girl: You know, Dad, sometimes it's more fun to talk to mom.
otforever about 10 years ago
They’re not really headed anywhere. We’re being sprayed with Chemtrails to subjugate us.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
So, what would Mom say?
hippogriff about 10 years ago
Airliners have very short contrails, so no one is going anywhere. The long-lasting ones are mostly B-52s piloted by chicken colonels and generals during half to full to half moon phases when visibility is good, in order to qualify for flight pay bonus.