Frank and Ernest by Thaves for November 30, 2014
Look! Up In the sky! It's absurd! It's inane! It's Malaprop Man! Frank: Malaprop Man! You're a TV weatherman! What's the forecast? Malaprop Man: A shift in the jet scream will bring rain clods and two inches of participation. Later skies will clear with a twenty-knock wind. Malaprop Man: In the morning, humility will rise and a dense frog will come in. Temperatures will be cruel throughout the period. Frank: Are you on national TV, Malaprop Man? Ernest: No, I specialize in loco forecasts! Frank: That's for sure!
TREEINTHEWIND about 10 years ago
Sounds like astounding science friction……………….
Jeff0811 about 10 years ago
This strip has me feeling “under the weather”.
e.groves about 10 years ago
Sounds like the tv weatherpeople here in Tulsa.
rgcviper about 10 years ago
OK—I had to read this one twice. Clever, though.
ChessPirate about 10 years ago
But tell me, Malaprop Man, is it going to glow heavily in the next few plays?
Perkycat about 10 years ago
Love this one. Very clever! Love the dense frog.
hippogriff about 10 years ago
neverenoughgold: And three feet in a yard.