Katy: Are you eating again?
Adam: Yep. I'm in training.
Katy: For what?
Adam: For Thursday! I need my stomach warmed up to receive our Thanksgiving bounty.
Katy: that's disgusting.
Adam: Disgusting is not having room for thirds.
Thanksgiving dinner does it to me every year. I may have room for thirds, but I wont be awake for thirds! But as long as I can stay awake for pecan pie I’m OK with that.
My wife and I were arguing over thanksgiving dinner, she would say “upsize” and I would say “downsize”. I’d rather spend the day enjoying a modest meal and time with family and perhaps some time with a 6 string, then hours on end cleaning up and packing leftovers..…been there, done that and had my fill.
nosirrom about 10 years ago
Thanksgiving dinner does it to me every year. I may have room for thirds, but I wont be awake for thirds! But as long as I can stay awake for pecan pie I’m OK with that.
mourdac Premium Member about 10 years ago
No, she’s right, it’s disgusting.
Robert Allen about 10 years ago
I would rather have pizza on Thanksgiving. I’m always over having turkey that day. Sometimes I just go for the ham.
echoraven about 10 years ago
My wife and I were arguing over thanksgiving dinner, she would say “upsize” and I would say “downsize”. I’d rather spend the day enjoying a modest meal and time with family and perhaps some time with a 6 string, then hours on end cleaning up and packing leftovers..…been there, done that and had my fill.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
Disgusting is speaking with your mouth full, Adam…
erin.adamic Premium Member about 10 years ago
Shouldn’t he work on EMPTYING his stomach before Thanksgiving dinner rather than filling it up?? That’s my strategy …
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member about 10 years ago
Or fourths!
pcolli about 10 years ago
In the UK turkey meat costs less than chicken in a lot of stores.